A bunion is one of the common foot conditions we suffer. According to statistics, there are 60% of adults who have a foot disorder. It was found that 36% of people older than 65 have bunions. For those who don’t know, a bunion is a bony and painful hump located at the base of the big toe.

It is quite common for people to have a big toe that might slightly lean toward your other toes. With the passage of time, the bone of the big toe pushes the first metatarsal bone. This causes a bunion.

Wondering why it is painful? It is formed at the joint. So, when you walk this toe bends, but in case of a bunion, all the weight of your body rests on it. this often hurts when you walk; to make matters worse, the shoe will rub against it, which can cause bunion pain.

Are you looking for ways to treat bunions in Sydney? Don’t worry; in this post, we have listed ways to treat bunion and eliminate pain.

Causes of Bunion

Not many people know this, but foot problems usually start in early adulthood. Over the years, the feet spread that makes problems worse. However, bunions Sydney run in the family as well. It is one of the problems caused by poor or weak foot structure.

Moreover, it can even be a result of rheumatoid arthritis or gout. People who have one leg longer than the other, it can even lead to bunion in the longer leg. It was reported that women are more vulnerable to develop bunions. This is because wearing high heels and tight shoes will push the foot bones into an unnatural shape with the passage of time.

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Treatment of Bunions

By now, you know bunions can be a real pain. This is because they will interrupt your everyday functions along with causing a lot of discomfort.


One of the easiest ways to treat bunions Sydney CBD is by using bunion pads. They are nonmedicated bunion cushion that might be useful as it will act as a buffer between your shoe and foot. This is a great way to reduce pain.

Shoe Inserts

With the help of padded shoe inserts, the pressure can be distributed evenly when you walk. This will decrease the symptoms of the bunion and will help in limiting pain.

Change your Shoes

To avoid bunion or treat a bunion, it is advised to get roomy and comfortable shoes. It offers a lot of space for your toes.


There are some medicines that you can use for relieving pain. Here are some of the medicines.

  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
  • Naproxen sodium (Aleve)
  • Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB)
  • Cortisone injections

You have to keep in mind that you should not use these without consulting your doctor.

Bunion Surgery

If your bunion does not respond to any of the above bunion treatment Sydney options you may need to consider surgery in order to permanently remove the bunion.

Exercises for Preventing Bunions

Here are some exercises that you can do for relief and preventing bunions.

  • Toe points and curl
  • Ball roll
  • Toe circles
  • Marble pickup
  • Barefoot beach walking

If you experience a lot of pain or your condition worsens, you should visit a general physician.