January 13, 2025

If you look up searches on google with the words “Breast enlargement surgery Melbourne” quite a lot of hits would come up. Breast enlargement surgery is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedure in Australia and in the world, also known as a boob job & breast reduction surgery Melbourne. The information below is designed to provide straightforward and easy to access information to enable the patient to make wise decisions about their enlargement procedure.Breast Lift Surgeon Near Melbourne


The range of devices used for plastic surgery has increased dramatically over the years. There are now different options to consider like the shape of the implant, the kind of insertion and even the texture of the implants. That is why it is important to know exactly what you want and to communicate it effectively to your surgeon. Having pictures of the kind of look you are going for will give your surgeon a better picture of what kind of implants you want.

Implants no longer just come in big or bigger varieties. Nowadays anybody who wants to have their breasts enlarge will have quite a lot of choices to choose from.

FILL: You can choose from either Saline Implants or the technological advanced Cohesive Gel-filled Implants (a sure improvement from the original problematic Silicone Gel Implants). Saline implants have the advantage of being more flexible and will thus require a smaller incision to insert in to the breast as compared to Cohesive Gel-filled implants. The Gel-filled implants however keep their shape better and look more natural.

IMPLANT SHAPE: Breast Augmentation Melbourne shapes are broadly categorized into Round implants and Anatomical Implants. The anatomical implants are named so because their tear drop shape effectively mimics the natural shape of the breast. Round implants are more common, mainly because the technical difficulty of inserting anatomical implants, and can be distinguished by its characteristic fuller upper pole.

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TEXTURE: Implants can either be textured or smooth. Tear-shaped implants are commonly textured so that they can stay in place and avoid awkward looking breast shapes. To get professional results it is always best to contact an experienced breast lift surgeon in Melbourne.

Implants may be implanted directly behind the breast or under the Pectoralis muscle. Inserting the implants right behind the muscle will make it more stable and may actually improve the shape of rounded implants but will also make post-operative recovery more painful (as the surgeon will be cutting through some of your muscles).


INFRAMAMMARY FOLD INCISION: Cutting on the underside of the breast
AXILLARY: An incision is made on the top part of the armpit, right where the hair bearing skin of the armpit meets with your breasts.
AREOLA: A cut is made on the underside of the areola aka the nipple.
UMBILICAL INCISION: Saline-filled implants can actually be inserted through an incision on the belly button.

The most important factor in breast enlargement surgery or breast reduction surgery in Melbourne is the size and arguably the most challenging decision that the patient and the doctor have to make together. Quite a number of women go back to theatre not because there was something wrong with the operation but because they feel that the implants they picked were the wrong size.


Most women’s breasts have a natural degree of asymmetry and the same should be expected after you’ve had your implants done by Professor Mark Ashton.

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Despite the procedure being cosmetic in nature reconstructive breast surgery is still surgery and should be approached as such. Pre-operative preparation and post-operative care should be observed and while most surgeries are uneventful the patient should make sure to watch out for signs of infection.