Whether you and your partner have been struggling with communication issues, arguments, or infidelity, relationship counseling can help you improve your relationship. During therapy sessions, your Sydney psychologist will work with you and your partner to help you understand each other better and learn how to communicate in a healthy way. In addition to learning new ways to communicate, your therapist will also teach you skills such as conflict resolution and self-care that can lead to happier, healthier relationships.

Depending on the nature of your relationship and the underlying issues, your therapist may utilize various strategies to address problems. One common approach is teaching you and your partner to become more conscious of the role they play in the relationship and to recognize their reactivity levels when conflicts arise. Couples who are conscious of their roles in the relationship and reactivity levels are more likely to resolve conflicts without using blame or aggression.

Another strategy is to use cognitive behavioral therapy to change the negative patterns that are contributing to your difficulties in your relationship. Your therapist will work with you and your partner on skills such as replacing self-blame with positive thoughts, using mutually respectful timeouts when things get heated, learning to listen more than talk, and other ways to strengthen your relationship.

The most common reason that people seek marriage counseling is because of infidelity, but there are many other reasons to seek counseling. In general, couples who seek therapy early in their relationship can avoid serious problems down the road. People who are thinking about getting married or engaged might also undergo premarital counseling as a way to prepare for a long-term commitment and avoid problems that can occur in other relationships.

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Relationship counselling is not just for married couples; it can be beneficial for cohabiting couples, non-monogamous partners, and LGBTQ people. It can also be helpful for siblings who are dealing with difficult family situations. However, it’s important to remember that relationship therapy can only work if both members of the relationship are willing to participate in it and to put in the necessary effort.

If you and your partner are not willing to participate in couple or marriage therapy, it might be a good idea to consider individual psychology or psychotherapy instead. While it is possible that some individuals have success with individual therapy, if the entire partnership is not on board, it can be very difficult to make progress.